Twelve Thirty-Three Ante Meridiem

It's been a long day.
It all began with the end.
The end of a birthday celebration for Thai et al.
Location: Empire Lounge and Restaurant, Yorkville - no Beyonce.
From the bumping and grinding at 50 Cumberland we moved on to 1201 Dovercourt to a house party - a house owned by ... a person whom we (the majority of us) still have no clue of. A movie screen on the rooftop, cases of empties everywhere and a lot of drunk people. It looked like a smashing time. Unfortunately one of our party members had to catch a flight to Japan this morning and I had a 'last' beach volleyball game to attend to. Waking up today hurt. Making lunch for everyone did too. C'est la vie.
The sun was magnificent, baring down but not too much yet more than you would have thought for a late September Sunday. People strewn across the beach in bikinis, me included, it was a beautiful day to be outside.
Shuffling across the sand with lunch in arms I plopped myself at our court and claimed lunch time. Toting fresh bagels, smoked salmon in truffle oil, prociutto, egg salad and more - no one dared refuse my offer.
Before I could even open the bags of food, the annoying buzz of bees surrounded me, and there they stayed for a good portion of the afternoon. I hate bugs. Hate is a very strong word and yes I am aware that it should not be so readily used but as the definition suggests:
Hate Definition
Intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : LOATHING
I have an intense hostility and aversion to bees, derived from my fear of them and my fear of possible injury from their stingers.
Volleyball wrapped up around 17:30 and from there I raced home to shower and rendezvous with some girlfriends for a good catch up.
A fantastic day with great company and hours well spent, it's time for me to quit my rant, read some and sleep - finally.
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